Meet the Authors

Hi! I'm Mariel Calinog!

I'm a third year Kinesiology Exercise Science major.
I'm a Filipino American that knows English, Tagalog, and Korean.
Interesting right? I just have this fascination with language which is why I really enjoy learning about other cultures and meeting new people.

I love sports because it gives me the opportunity to travel.
Taekwondo has brought me to Turkey, Egypt, and across the United States. When I travel, I make sure to visit famous landmarks and have a taste of their exotic foods. I've learned a lot in my ten years of practice in Taekwondo, and I'm proud to say I'm still doing it up until this day. I've reached my third degree and hoping to get my next and hold the title of Master.

I'm also very involved in our community. I am all about giving back to a community that has done so much for me. Currently, I'm the Vice President of Administration of CSUN's Circle K International. Hand in hand with my friends, we serve the community, learn leadership skills, and create fellowship that lasts an eternity.

With all my experience so far, I'm just waiting to learn new things and experience a new adventure.

 My parents gave me the name Mc Alnair Casanova. 

I was born and raised in the islands in the far east called Philippines. In 2000, my parents decided to take my talent of being a enthusiastic person in the land of the free called America.

  In my free time i love playing the game that Naismith created called basketball . Eating and sleeping are also the two things I admire the most of doing. If there were major in college for those two, I know for sure that I will master degrees both. Surprisingly , long walk in the beach entertains me and  watching the show “Super Natural”.

  When it comes to family,  they always comes first in my list of priorities. Without them, I would not be as successful in life. I always make time for my 12 years younger sister and my wonderful parents. We do not get along with the activities we like to do but traveling is something that we all can agree on. We had traveled to the islands of Carribean and the cold weather of Alaska. We had swam right next of Aztecs ruins of Cancun, Mexico. We took the elevator to two of the highest towers in the world which were the Space Needle in Seattle and CN tower in Toronto, Canada.  Also, we experienced the bright lights of New York City and witnessed the beauty of Grand Canyon in Arizona. Throughout all of this traveling, our family bond got stronger.

  This recaps most of the things happened in my life. I am thankful to God for all the blessings he provided and surrounded me with a supportive family

Hi. My name is Kevin. 

I'm a senior majoring in Asian American Studies.
I'm Filipino and have lived most of my life in Japan and California.

I worked as a producer and songwriter for almost a decade before deciding to return to school. Because of that, I've seen just about everything that goes behind the music industry as a minority - both good and bad. But these experiences altogether have given me the motivation that I need to help eradicate the underrepresentation and inequalities that currently affect people of color.

I am planning to take a year off after I graduate so I can work at a community-based organization in Los Angeles. Afterward, I'll be attending graduate school to further my education in Asian American Studies either at UCLA or San Francisco State.

Hey you! No, not you. You!

You're here to know a little something about me, are you not?
Let's do a quick overview of who I am...

I am honored to bear a unique last name, Lee, and was granted a special first name, Bryan. Born in Hawaii, raised in Koreatown, Los Angeles, under strict Korean rules and traditions, I grew up confused with a dual identity as many other second generation Asian Americans would have.
I dislike long walks on the beach and I don't know how to play the violin. However, during my time at Cal State Northridge I have changed my major 5 times. Began as Undecided (as any freshman would), then to Theater, Accounting, Asian American Studies, Geography, and finally Engineering.
I decided to stick with Engineering and double major in Asian American Studies.
Currently, I hold a seat in the Finance Committee of Associate Students.  Last year, I was the president of Alpha Psi Rho, Fraternity.
Other than school activities, I am a server at Octopus Burbank, a sushi restaurant.

Colorado, North Carolina, Illinois, Alabama, Louisiana, Arizona, Japan, Okinawa, Thailand, Philippines...
Just some of the places I've been to in my life.

I am a supporter of the Zeitgeist Movement and The Venus Project. I hate politics, the Fed, and believe our government is filled with corrupt individuals. I hate Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and Asians. I only like the Human Race and look to do everything I can in my power to help them with the knowledge I gain throughout my life.

Hello, Name's Jerry Parker. 

I've recently moved to the L.A. area from Fresno County. Born and raised there. Joined the military at 18 years of age. Lived, loved, and traveled in Germany for a few years. Got deployed. Came home and was originally going to transfer from Fresno City College to CSU Fresno to pursue my degree in English. That is until my passion over came me.

That Passion has a name. It is called Cinema. It's something I have wanted to do since I was a child. My goal is to write and direct my own films. Because of this I watch a lot of movies. Reading and writing is also something I love to do. Recently, I have become a big fan of Goethe's The Sorrows of Young Werther.
One of my biggest hobbies is learning about other cultures. Which is why I chose Asian-American Women as a class.

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